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TaxGhost | Tax Harvesting Platform

Become a Tax-Efficient Investor

Powerful tax-loss harvesting and direct indexing platform that syncs with portfolios across all major brokerages.

We offer all investors a proven method to minimize fees and increase after-tax investment returns.
Enjoy full functionality at zero cost.
TaxGhost Overview

Increase After-Tax Returns up to 7%

Following a consistent tax-loss harvesting strategy translates to a greater than 1.5% increase in returns annually over a long-term investment horizon¹, with as high as 7% in excess returns over the first year of a loss harvesting program such as TaxGhost².

Eliminate Management Fees

Investment fees compound over time, especially AUM based fees. TaxGhost enables DIY investors to eliminate robo-advisor and ETF/Mutual Fund fees — driving a higher rate of return and more tax-loss harvesting opportunities.

Portfolio Visibility & Control

TaxGhost is not a brokerage. Instead, our platform synchronizes with all major brokers (including Fidelity, Vanguard, Schwab, Robinhood, and more!) giving you the ability to tax loss harvest & direct index across all accounts in a single place. This helps avoid "wash sales" without requiring any changes to the way you currently trade stocks.
Tax-loss harvesting is a proven way to transform investment losses into tax savings.
Using TaxGhost, you can view which of your stocks, ETFs, and mutual funds are trading at a loss and easily find replacement positions that will allow you to closely maintain your pre-trade portfolio allocation. TaxGhost uses a proprietary artificial learning algorithm using key investment factors to suggest alternatives.
Get Started Today

TaxGhost Harvesting Process

Identify Tax Savings
Securely link your existing brokerage accounts using Plaid and identify tax-loss harvesting opportunities within your portfolio. No change to your investment process is required.
Swap & Harvest
Recognize a loss in your previous position while still maintaining a similar composition in your portfolio. Use TaxGhost’s proprietary scoring metrics to view a suggested list of highly corelated replacement stocks/ETFs.
Track all transactions to stay in compliance with IRS rules, ensuring you recognize full tax benefits. Losses will be automatically applied to your next tax return!
Recommended Replacements for Tesla
Comparable Stocks
Comparable Stocks
Comparable Stocks
Comparable Stocks

[We have] examined the benefits of loss harvesting for
taxable portfolios, and found a huge advantage over the
passive case… Typical alpha in the first year of a loss harvesting program can be as large as 7%.

R Arnott, A Berkin, J Ye, Loss Harvesting: What's It Worth to the Taxable Investor?, Journal of Wealth Management, Volume 3, Issue 4

Customizable Direct Indexing

Direct indexing is an investment approach that involves buying individual stocks to make up the same characteristics as the overall index or fund. By direct indexing, you replicate the profile of an index, but own the individual stocks. This allows you to tax-loss harvest each position and eliminates fees from the fund provider.

TaxGhost Overview TaxGhost Overview
TaxGhost Overview
TaxGhost Overview
TaxGhost Overview
TaxGhost Overview

[We] looked at historical returns over the last century and found
that direct indexing added 1.08% annually in after-tax returns.

A Grealish, Kiplinger, Move Over ETFs: Direct Indexing Is an Investment Strategy Worth Paying Attention to, June 25, 2022.

Premium Strategies For Use By Any Investor

How to Harvest Tax Losses When Stocks Are Down in 2022
Tax-Loss Harvesting You Can Lower Your Tax Bill By Selling
Just How Valuable is Tax-Loss Harvesting?
7 Wash Sale Facts To Know Before Selling Stock For Tax Loss Harvesting
How Tax-Loss Harvesting Could Boost Your Income This Year
How Direct Indexing Could Work for You
Top 3 Year-End Tax Moves, According to the Pros
4 Questions About Direct Indexing
Access premium private wealth strategies without any management fees or minimums.
Capitalize on the complicated U.S. tax codes in a way that was previously reserved for the ultra-wealthy.
Immediately lower your tax bill and maximize your post-tax investment return.
Build customized baskets of stocks to eliminate ETF fees and optimize tax-loss harvesting opportunities.
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Harvesting losses is a well-established mechanism for reducing tax liability. Doing so is a technically onerous task as it requires frequent monitoring, execution, and care to avoid washsale trades.

- Israelov, Roni and Lu, Jason, Optimized Tax-Loss Harvesting: A Simple Algorithm and Framework (July 11, 2022).

This is no longer the case with TaxGhost. Tax-loss harvesting has historically been a premium investment strategy, but these valuable benefits can now be recognized by investors of any size and experience level with minimal effort.

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